Stone Soup Saturday Meal

Saturday, April 30, 2022, 12:00 pm until 1:30 pm
399 Main Street, Greenfield, MA - Red Door on Hope Street

Celebrate Hal-an-Tow at Stone Soup Café!

Hal-an-Tow, jolly rumble-o,? we were up long before the day-o,? to welcome in the summer,? to welcome in the May-o, for summer is a-coming,? and the winter’s gone away-o!

At the start of May, in Cornwall, England people can be seen celebrating Flora Day, a large outdoor festival featuring dancing in the streets throughout the town. It's a spring festival to celebrate the end of winter and mark the arrival of the new vitality and fertility with the trees and flowers bursting into life. The houses and shops of the town are decorated with greenery and floral arrangements to express the spirit of renewal. One of the fascinating elements of the festivities is the “Hal An Tow” procession, featuring dramatic enactments, dancing, and a distinctive song. Watch the annual Hal-an-Tow celebration here:

Y'all know every Saturday is a special day, when you eat a meal from your hometown Café!

RSVP for this delicious Saturday lunch HERE!

MEAL DELIVERY orders close at 5 PM on Friday, but walk-up curbside orders are always welcome!

---> Pay-What-You-Can for your meal here!

---> Pay-For-A-Neighbor's meal here!

---> Volunteer to cook, serve, or deliver the meal here!

With Lots o' Love,

Chef Kirsten and the Café Crew!