Let us know about the fundraiser so we can help promote it.
We can provide you with informational flyers and signage.
People can donate directly to the Café by writing us a check, or set up a GoFundMe for the Café.
Creating a ticketed event? We can help! Let us know.
If you create a Facebook event, we will add it to our Facebook page to help spread awareness of your efforts.
Let us know if you'd like us to cater, otherwise, we'll keep all the other details and logistics up to you.
Make sure to send us some photos after the event!
If you have any questions or want to brainstorm ideas, please contact info@thestonesoupcafe.org.
Thank you for finding creative ways to support our mission.
A Successful Student Fundraiser!
A spirited group of 2nd and 3rd graders from the Center School crafted and sold 33 beautiful bowls. The proceeds, totaling $434, were donated to Stone Soup Café!
As their teacher, Olivia Brooks said, this hands-on experience allowed the students to see the direct impact of their actions and the power of their compassion. This project was not just about raising funds but also about raising awareness and empathy. They learned that even small actions, like making and selling bowls, can make a big difference in the lives of others.
Recently, Rise Above also sold handmade mugs and donated the proceeds (over $800!) to the Café.
Thank you to all these community members who partake in creative fundraising efforts!! It’s a significant portion of our revenue!
As we like to say: Every ingredient counts... especially YOU!
Center School students selling bowl to benefit Stone Soup Café
Chef Kirsten receiving the $434 donation from Center School students!